Our Focused Strategies
We understand that precious metals and rare coins are a part of your investment portfolio. Our team of knowledgeable experts will focus on your needs and the coins which will assist you best in reaching your goals.
Our focused strategies are stated clearly for building a rare coin collection. This implementation for assisting our clients is clear for investors and collectors through the following steps.

Step 1
Focus on the importance of designing the collection our clients are desiring.
We utilize a comprehensive and integrated research program which identifies market trends in rare coins as well as correlating the values of coins to ensure the optimum performance of our client’s investment capital.

Step 2
We provide a clear understanding of the rare coin market. We believe that unless a rare coin collector understands the intricacies of the rare coin market as well as the services offered by coin dealers, an amazing rare coin collection is unattainable. Our approach is to offer our clientele unparalleled access to our experience and knowledge of the rare coin market.

Step 3
Enhancing the value of our client’s collection We believe it is helpful to enhance the value of our client’s existing rare coin collection by dollar cost averaging and divesting inferior coin examples. We want to maximize the value of the collection and evaluate areas which are producing the highest return on investment. We are focused on the coins level of rarity, population, demand and eye appeal as these are factors of high importance within the rare coin market.

Step 4
Actively managing the collection for our clients A rare coin collection is a steady work in progress. We understand the importance of maintaining active relationships with our clients in order to present them with the best opportunities available to enhance their rare coin collection. U.S. Asset Advisors is focused on sharing our knowledge and expertise to enhance our client’s precious metals and rare coin collections.
*Image(s) from Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS.com)